Useful Resources
This page is intended to provide links to various different types of resources that may be relevant and applicable to the Latin-X and Hispanic population in medical physics. A few general extramural fellowships or training programs are highlighted, as well as opportunities that are specific to the under-represented populations in medicine or medical physics.
NIH Loan Repayment Award Program - From the linked webpage: The NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The escalating costs of advanced education and training in medicine and clinical specialties are forcing some scientists to abandon their research careers for higher-paying private industry or private practice careers. The LRPs counteract that financial pressure by repaying up to $50,000 annually of a researcher's qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research.
NIH Diversity Related Funding Opportunity Announcements - This is a list of NIH grant funding opportunities to promote or enhance diversity. The list includes pre-doctoral (F-awards), early career (K-awards), as well as large scale U- or R-level funding opportunities.
NSF 'Broadening Participation' Funding Opportunity Announcements - From the linked webpage: The portfolio represented is divided into three categories: (1) programs that are primarily focused on broadening participation, (2) programs that have broadening participation as one of several emphases, and (3) Dear Colleague Letters expressing interest in specific aspects of broadening participation. You may also review awards made to each program by following the link to the individual program page, then scrolling to the bottom where you will find a link that displays the awards.
AAPM Grants & Fellowships - This list provided by AAPM describes multiple opportunities for seed funding, training awards, travel awards, mentorship programs, and fellowships. Some of the opportunities, such as the summer undergraduate DREAM fellowship, are specific to under-represented minorities in medical physics.
AAPM Diversity Recruitment through Education and Mentoring DREAM Program - From the linked brochure: Competitive 10-week summer program designed to train the next generation of diverse medical physicists and increase the number of underrepresented groups in medical physics by creating new hands-on research and clinical opportunities, outreach, and mentoring both during and after the program has completed. In addition, this is a paid fellowship offering recipients at least $5,500 each.
IJROBP Resident Peer Reviewer Training (RePRT) Program - From the linked webpage: Peer review is the backbone of academic journals, yet most reviewers never receive formal training on the practice. To address this gap, the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (Red Journal) offers the Resident Peer Review Training Program (RePRT). After acceptance into the program, participants will be invited to review articles under consideration for publication at the Red Journal and receive feedback from journal editors. Participants will benefit from exposure to high-quality research in clinical, laboratory-based, and physics-based oncologic sciences, as well as gain insight into the workings of a rigorous peer review process.